How to become a sculptor - in 50 short years

My sister the potter sculptor 

Everyone in the Vozar family knows that in the early 1970s, my mother spent a year in Italy on a teaching Fulbright scholarship with my two sisters and younger brother. But not everyone realizes the impact of that transformative year. Bobby played soccer, Mary studied pattern making, and Linda learned pottery. 

Fifty years later, clay still holds magic for Linda's imagination. But don't call her a potter. Decades of throwing plates, cups, platters, and bowls left her bored with repetitious utilitarian forms. She is a sculptor now.

Here are some snaps of Linda in her element - the Jemez Springs studio adjacent to her home.

Linda in her bright new studio (built by Roger and Adam) with one of her goddess sculptures

My sister began her transition from potter to sculptor about 10 years ago. Her studio inventory is slowing transitioning to reflect that change.

Most of the family owns Linda's dark blue Italian style pottery, but to keep things interesting, she experimented with different glazes, like the beautiful turquoise items displayed here.

Donna and Linda in the Jemez Springs studio - a beautiful, creative space


  1. What an amazing tribute from one of my daughters to her younger sister! Donna, you captured in words and pictures Linda's creative spirit and accomplishments. I am SO proud of both of you.
    Much love,

  2. Great job , Donna. Thank you for writing about me and my journey to sculpting...I'm blushing!

  3. WONDERFUL piece Mama! It's so good to see you Linda! Your warm spirit and smile bring me right back to so many good memories! Mama, does she ship?

    1. For you Kristy I’m sure she would ship her work! She has such fond memories of you and would love a visit.

  4. Beautiful pictures of you, Linda, her studio, and her art. Love to all you Vozars!

    1. (It's Lisa, by the way ❤️)

    2. Hi Lisa, Next time you're in New Mexico, please come visit me. I'd love that! Linda

  5. Very cool! It's so fun to see pictures of Linda's studio. If I'm lucky I'll be able to see it person one day. 🙂

  6. Great photos of Casa Blanca, Linda's workshop and her sculptures; also the families having fun together. It is nice to know what's happening in Jemez Springs. Thanks for the update,


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